SeaPlast® is a composite of plastics taken from our coast avoiding their arrival in the oceans, which can be used in simple monolayer polyethylene plastic packaging, both transparent and pigmented material, thus generating a huge number of sustainable combinations and attractive design. It is also possible to use it with laminated materials, adding print quality on the outer layer, and with the use of SeaPlast® on the inner layer of the final product, thus obtaining a differentiated, and at the same time highly sustainable, laminated product. Its versatility is enormous and can be used in shopping bags, tote bags, bags, coils and security envelopes, among others, containing similar characteristics of resistance, weldability and printing capacity, which makes your relationship with your customer much more responsible and ecologically correct, and prepared for the new wave of consumption increasingly conscious and concerned with new generations By giving a new life to waste disposed of in the wrong way in nature, SeaPlast® acts directly with Social Responsibility, generating income and jobs for cooperatives and coastal NGOs. SeaPlast® – the plastic of the future for the new generations … today! Another exclusive Freddy Bags!

*Subject to availability